Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This Photo Will Never Be Used

New Surgical Suite
Originally uploaded by Steve Pearce
This image is of SAMC's Lorenzo Suter, who is the administrative director for the hospital's peri-operative services. In layman's terms, he's the operations manager for the surgical department. The photo was to be for a story in the hospital's Living Well magazine, but after some editorial changes to the article in which this photo would have appeared, we decided that a different photo would be more appropriate.

Even though we won't use this photo, I kinda like it, so I thought I would post it here for you to see. Thrilling narrative, huh?

It's Too Dark To Swim!!!!

I went down to Seagrove Beach, FL on June 15 for a photo session with the Martin family. My wife and kids came along and enjoyed an hour or so on the beach while I was working with the Martins. About 20 or so minutes after sunset I finished the Martin's session and noticed my two kids still out in the surf. Being a photographer, I took a few photos of them having a good time. They stayed in the water until it was too dark to see!

For the shutterbugs, I used ISO 1600, f/2.8 and about a 1/30th shutter speed. I left the white balance on daylight, even though the sun had slipped below the horizon about 20 minutes earlier. I thought the blue color cast worked well to illustrate the idea of the very last bit of available daylight.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Roll Tide!

I shot this photo from my seat in the east upper deck at Bryant-Denny stadium in Tuscaloosa. (A special word of thanks to fellow Crimson Tide fan Brit Lovvorn for inviting me to the game. I had a blast!) The Tide's opponent that November night was LSU. This is a stitch job from 9 original photos. I'm also a big fan of the stitched panorama.

Yellowstone Sunset, Madison Canyon

Sunset, Madison Canyon
Originally uploaded by Steve Pearce
So I've FINALLY gotten around to editing a few more of my photos from our 2009 trip to Wyoming. I'm still amazed that 21 years after the infamous fires of 1988, there are still MILLIONS of dead trees, or snags, still standing throughout Yellowstone. I used my telephoto lens to carve out a section of them contrasted against the fading light of sunset near the western end of the Madison River canyon. Notice the use of the bottom right corner, as mentioned in the White Dome post below.

White Dome In Eruption (vertical)

White Dome Vertical
Originally uploaded by Steve Pearce
This is one of my favorite thermal features in Yellowstone. It's not overly huge and the eruptions don't go so high. But you can catch an eruption at nearly any time of day and they always look good. I was practically standing in the road as I made this exposure in September 2009. I guess my favorite thing about this photo is the little runoff stream that meanders down from the geyser cone, to the bottom right corner of the image. I'm a big believer in using the corners of the frame when doing landscape photography. You don't force it, obviously, but if it works within the composition, I think it adds a strong, dynamic force to the image.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A couple of cute kids.

Kids On Folly Beach
Originally uploaded by Steve Pearce
Of course, they're my kids, so I'm more than a little biased. If a photo ever captured the essence of my two children, this one does. She, the excitable and gregarious one. He, the calm, steady one. They grow up so fast.

I"m not a wedding photographer.

Originally uploaded by Steve Pearce
But I did photograph a wedding for a friend about a year ago. We had a GREAT time and this simple photo is one of my favorites from the event. In focus, you can read the scripture that this young couple will base their marriage upon.

Jason's Corvette, (work in progress)

I must admit I've almost forgotten about updating the blog. Maybe this will be the impetus to get it going again. This lovely Corvette belongs to my buddy Jason Lawler. We took it out to a supersecret location, armed with three Canon Speedlites to get this photo. In the interest of full disclosure, this is a composite of five exposures. Two for the back wall, one for the back fender, one for the front wheel and one for the nose of the car. I think two more exposures (one for the hood and one for the trunk) would have made this photo almost perfect. Still, it was a fun afternoon.

The Kids, Being Themselves

I had Carmen and the kids along with me while shooting still life images for Wiregrass Christian Family magazine. During a break in the still lifes, I called Anna Lauren over to sit for a portrait. Of course, Britton wanted to get in on the action and one of their favorite things to do when in front of the camera is, well, I think you can tell by looking at the posted photo.