Guest Photographer
The McKesson company is a vendor for a wide array of hospital supplies, ranging from wheelchairs to software solutions and beyond. In fact, they're the single largest health care corporation in the world. Because of SAMC's positive working relationship with them, McKesson had asked if they could feature our hospital, doctors and staff in a national ad campaign. Most of you will never see these ads because they'll appear in radiology trade publications but it's certainly a good thing for the Medical Center to be featured prominently in this campaign. McKesson is a major player in the health care industry, in fact they're a Fortune 18 company and their reach spreads far and wide.

The McKesson team included four people...two representatives from the marketing group (Laurie and Judy), a commercial photographer named Daemon Baizan and his assistant Kip. It's nice for me to have guest photographers come into the house periodically because it exposes me to a different, fresh approach to photography. Daemon has a great eye and LOADS of creativity. For example, he rigged up his studio flash unit to a wheelchair (powered by a battery pack) and had Kip pull him along in the wheelchair as SAMC Emergency Department medical director Dr. James C. Jones walked purposefully down the hallway. Daemon got some great images using this setup.

It was also interesting to see how Daemon approached lighting. I won't bore you with all the details other than to say he used some techniques that I'll try to incorporate into my arsenal from now on. Rest assured, he has LOTS of arrows in his quiver and he's an excellent professional photographer.